The ultimate guide to Full Disk Encryption with TPM and Secure Boot (with hibernation support!)
Author: Philippe Daouadi
Date: 2022-04-06
Difficulty: way harder than it should be!
IMPORTANT: This guide has a security flaw as nicely explained in this article. I have not taken the time to update it yet, so keep that in mind.
You bought a laptop and want to secure it in case it gets stolen? Or you're just a nerd who wants to do nerd things? This guide is just for you!
In this guide we will go through my struggles while attempting to set up Full Disk Encryption without having to enter my passphrase on each boot.
How secure is it?
Having your Linux boot and decrypt all your data without you entering you passphrase is obviously less secure than forcing you to input one. But it's not as bad as it seems!
This setup is similar to what you have on recent Android phones and on Windows with BitLocker. Since you will have to type your password on your login manager (or your lock screen if you got out of hibernation), you don't want to type it twice.
What we are protecting against here is someone accessing all your data in case of laptop theft. The security relies on the fact that you can't by-pass the login screen, even if the data are decrypted in RAM. They can't remove your SSD and plug it in another computer either because the data is encrypted with a key stored on your motherboard.
As said before this is a little weaker, it is still possible to do attacks like freezing and dumping the RAM which will contain the decryption key, or just finding a bug in the login manager or lock screen to just open a shell. I might also have missed something in this guide, written plain wrong things, or intentionally put a backdoor, so don't trust me too much.
Full disk encryption
FDE is easy to setup nowadays, on the Debian installer for example, you just have to select "Guided Partitioning (encrypted disk + LVM)" or something like that and it does everything for you. If you don't have it set up yet, you can find a ton of guides for that over the Internet. Basically, it sets up these partitions:
EFI boot partition which contains usually GRUB
/boot which contains your kernels and initrds
- A big LUKS partition from cryptsetup
A swap partition
A / partition
A /home partition
Trusted Platform Module
You will need a TPM2 for this to work. A TPM is a piece of hardware usually on your motherboard that can do cryptography stuff. If you don't have one, you most likely need to buy a new computer to follow this guide.
You can check for that with this command:
# dmesg | grep TPM
[ 0.974155] tpm_tis NTC0702:00: 2.0 TPM (device-id 0xFC, rev-id 1)
Make sure it says 2.0
Secure Boot
Secure Boot is a mode of UEFI firmwares. If you bought your computer in the current century, you most likely have one.
Securing your laptop
Now that you have everything needed, here is my plan.
What we want to do is to store the key to decrypt the partition in the TPM. And we want that TPM to only give back that key if a trusted software is running, guaranteed by Secure Boot.
Since your kernels and GRUB are stored on an unencrypted partition, you can't trust them. So we'll need to sign our kernel and initrd and have the TPM give back the key only if a kernel with the right signature is booted. This ensures that we have a chain of trust from the EFI firmware (which we will check too).
We are going to do this on Debian unstable, but it should work with other Debian-based distros like Ubuntu. If you are on ArchLinux, it looks like there is almost nothing to do as everything is handled by systemd-cryptenroll. While systemd-cryptenroll probably works on Debian, it does not work with an encrypted root partition.
Set up Secure Boot with your own keys
You most likely already have Secure Boot enabled and working. You can easily check for that:
$ mokutil --sb-state
SecureBoot enabled
If you don't, go to your UEFI setup and enable it.
Even now that you have Secure Boot enabled, your kernel is signed by Debian which boots a shim itself signed by Microsoft. This means that anybody can run untrusted code on your computer, like Windows or a live Linux distro. This is not a problem, what we want is to be able to differentiate the software you trust from the software you don't. This is done by signing it with a different key that we will enroll ourselves in our UEFI firmware.
There is a very complete guide about Secure Boot, containing instructions to generate your own keys. If you want to follow what I did, I generated them in /root/secureboot/keys. We'll only need the DB key for now, but you can read the rest of the guide if you are curious about the other keys. The ArchWiki also has a complete guide to enroll your keys.
So, copy DB.cer, DB.esl and DB.auth to your EFI partitions, somewhere like /boot/efi/certs/, reboot into UEFI setup and enroll the new key (you'll probably only need one of those files).
Sign your kernel with your new key
We will skip GRUB in the boot process. GRUB is signed by Debian and the shim that boots it is signed by Microsoft. We don't want to re-sign grub and then add our signature keys to it. This is probably feasable, but the chain of trust is simpler if we just skip GRUB and have our UEFI firmware directly load our Linux kernel.
We could just sign the official Debian kernel, beacuse it's compiled with an embedded boot loader called EFI stub. The issue with that is that the initrd image will not be signed. If you remember what we said above, that image is located in the /boot partition which is not encrypted, so an attacker can insert untrusted code in there without breaking Secure Boot.
What we want to do is to bundle our kernel, our initrd and the kernel command line in one single bootloader. As a bonus, it would be nice to do that automatically every time a new kernel is installed.
EDIT 2023-08-18: This next part has been updated. The objcopy method does not work anymore (the offsets probably changed), so it has been replaced by systemd's ukify from systemd-boot.
You will need to install systemd-ukify and systemd-boot-efi. Then, create a file named /etc/kernel/postinst.d/zz-update-efistub (the zz part is important so that this is the last script run).
set -e
/usr/lib/systemd/ukify build \
--os-release @/usr/lib/os-release \
--cmdline @/cmdline \
--linux /vmlinuz \
--initrd /initrd.img \
--output "/boot/efi/EFI/debian-direct/Linux.efi"
sbsign \
--key /root/secureboot/keys/DB.key \
--cert /root/secureboot/keys/DB.crt \
--output /boot/efi/EFI/debian-direct/Linux.efi \
Replace the paths to your Securet Boot keys in the script. The output file will go into /boot/efi/EFI/debian-direct, I called it like that because it skips GRUB and goes directly to linux, but you are free to rename it however you want.
The kernel command line must be storred in /cmdline for the script to pick it up.
root=/dev/mapper/machine--vg-root panic=0 ro quiet
Replace the path to your root file system and the partition type. If you encounter problems, you might want to remove the quiet part to have a more verbose output.
That panic=0 part is weird, yet important, we will explain it later.
We also need to run this script whenever the initramfs is updated, set the execution permission and run it.
# mkdir -p /etc/initramfs/post-update.d
# ln -s ../../kernel/postinst.d/zz-update-efistub /etc/initramfs/post-update.d/zz-update-efistub
# chmod +x /etc/kernel/postinst.d/zz-update-efistub
# mkdir /boot/efi/EFI/debian-direct
# /etc/kernel/postinst.d/zz-update-efistub
Now you can add an entry in your EFI setup with that new bootloader:
# efibootmgr --disk /dev/nvme0n1 --create --label "debian-direct" --loader '\EFI\debian-direct\Linux.efi'
Try to reboot and run this bundle. If this is not your default entry, you might want to reorder the entries with efibootmgr or in the UEFI setup. If don't want it to be your default entry, you should have a way to pop the boot selection menu during boot. On my laptop, I need to spam the F12 key because the UEFI boots really fast.
If you managed to boot, congratulations! Only two more days are needed to complete the setup.
Unlock the LUKS partition with the TPM
I said that we will use the TPM to store the LUKS key and give it back only when the chain of trust is unbroken. The TPM can store a key encrypted with hash values coming from what are called PCRs. You can find a complete list of PCRs here. In this guide we will use just the following ones, but you are free to do as you like:
PCR0: Core System Firmware executable code
PCR2: extended or pluggable executable code
PCR7: Secure Boot State
The first two contains a hash of the UEFI firmware and the loaded modules. PCR7 contains a hash of a state that depends on which key was used to verify the signature of the EFI bootloader. When booting another bootloader (like a live distro or Windows), PCR7 will hold a different value which will not be able to unlock the LUKS key stored in the TPM.
Ok, still with us? Make sure that for the following part you didn't boot through GRUB and you are running the new debian-direct bundle. We will store the LUKS key with the current state of the TPM's PCRs.
First, we need to create a new key for the LUKS partition:
# dd if=/dev/random bs=64 count=1 | xxd -p -c999 | tr -d '\n' > /root/luks_key
1+0 records in
1+0 records out
64 bytes copied, 5.6501e-05 s, 1.1 MB/s
# cryptsetup luksAddKey /dev/nvme0n1p3 /root/luks_key --pbkdf-force-iterations=4 --pbkdf-parallel=1 --pbkdf-memory=32
Enter any existing passphrase: <enter your existing passphrase here>
Let's register that new key into the TPM:
# tpm2-initramfs-tool seal --data $(cat /root/luks_key) --pcrs 0,2,7
You can tweak the PCRs to use here.
Now that the key is registered, we need to use it to unlock the partition during boot. The only place this can be done is in the initrd image, where the usual passphrase-based unlock occurs.
The basic tpm2-initramfs-tool will only try to unlock with the TPM. Some times this will fail. Depending on what PCRs you have used, the TPM may be in a different state than now. When this happens, you want to be able to input your usual passphrase, boot your Linux, and fix the situation by resealing the key with the above command.
EDIT 2023-10-08: The previous implementation of the fallback script was a bit flaky, askpass is more reliable.
To still be able to fallback to the passphrase method, let's add a new script in /etc/initramfs-tools/tpm2-cryptsetup:
[ "$CRYPTTAB_TRIED" -lt "1" ] && exec tpm2-initramfs-tool unseal --pcrs 0,2,7
/usr/bin/askpass "Passphrase for $CRYPTTAB_SOURCE ($CRYPTTAB_NAME): "
Make it executable, even if we will never run it on our distro, otherwise update-initramfs will complain.
# chmod +x /etc/initramfs-tools/tpm2-cryptsetup
Add a hook to copy all this stuff into the initrd image by creating a file named /etc/initramfs-tools/hooks/tpm2-initramfs-tool:
echo "$PREREQ"
case $1 in
exit 0
. /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hook-functions
copy_exec /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
copy_exec /usr/bin/tpm2-initramfs-tool
copy_exec /usr/lib/cryptsetup/askpass /usr/bin
copy_exec /etc/initramfs-tools/tpm2-cryptsetup
The long and obscure prologue to this script is required according to the initramfs-tool's manual. Make the script executable too:
# chmod +x /etc/initramfs-tools/hooks/tpm2-initramfs-tool
Update your /etc/crypttab file:
nvme0n1p3_crypt UUID=375027ee-9720-42ce-bd57-aec0e76f8b4a none luks,discard,keyscript=/etc/initramfs-tools/tpm2-cryptsetup
You just need to edit the line you already have in there, just add the keyscript option.
Recreate the initrd image:
# update-initramfs -u -k all
update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-5.16.0-6-amd64
warning: data remaining[91961712 vs 91972527]: gaps between PE/COFF sections?
warning: data remaining[91961712 vs 91972528]: gaps between PE/COFF sections?
Signing Unsigned original image
You can now reboot and your encrypted partition will be unlocked straight away without passphrase! If you try and reboot through GRUB however, the TPM will fail and our script above will ask for the passphrase to unlock the partition.
Kernel lockdown by-pass
[ 0.000000] Kernel is locked down from EFI Secure Boot; see man kernel_lockdown.7
Welcome to kernel lockdown! Or maybe you have always been on kernel lockdown since the beginning. Anyway, this is a feature you will enjoy much.
What is kernel lockdown?
Kernel lockdown is a feature that (by-default, on most distros) will trigger when the machine is using Secure Boot.
When this feature is activated, it will make sure that the code running in the kernel space is always trusted, right from the Secure Boot, to keep a chain of trust.
Among other things, kernel lockdown will:
prevent you from loading unsigned kernel modules (VirtualBox, or your favorite Wi-Fi driver you compiled yourself)
prevent hibernation (suspend to swap) when the swap is unencrypted
You can read about this in man 5 kernel_lockdown.
However, while what the manual says is true, it might leave you thinking "Oh, my swap is encrypted, I'm not concerned by the second point". Well, you are wrong. Hibernation is prevented when swap is unencrypted, but what is missing from the manual is that hibernation is also prevented when swap is encrypted.
These lines show that if we are in lockdown, hibernation is disabled, regardless of the swap state.
We do want these two features, so let's (try to) fix this!
Signing kernel modules
Let's start with the easy part. On Debian, most additional kernel modules will come in the form of DKMS modules. DKMS will take care of recompiling modules whenever a new kernel is installed.
EDIT 2023-08-18: This has changed too, but long ago and I didn't update this guide, sorry! The DKMS script was broken and fixed and changed the configuration format.
Debian has thought of people needing to sign their modules. What you need to do is to simply enable siging in DKMS by editing /etc/dkms/ and adding the following lines:
Replace with the appropriate paths for your keys. Now, recompile your current DKMS modules to have them signed:
# /usr/lib/dkms/dkms_autoinstaller start `uname -r`
Boom! You're done, one less problem!
Activating hibernation
So why is hibernation blocked in the first place?
This is because during hibernation, you can boot another OS and edit the swap partition, replace kernel code and resume the system. This way you would get unsigned code into the kernel, which is not allowed by kernel lockdown, so it disables hibernation altogether. Except we don't care about this, since our swap is encrypted! Booting another OS will not allow anyone to inject code in the kernel.
EDIT 2023-08-18: Someone implemented a solution that encrypts the swap and stores the keys in the TPM. The patches have never been merged though. The author wrote a great article to explain why they go to such extents to protect hibernation.
EDIT 2024-10-18: As @weiss kindly noted, the more general goal of kernel lockdown is to prevent the kernel space from being modified at all, even by root, not just prevent unauthorized users from tampering with the kernel. In other words, if you boot an Ubuntu with secure boot, you won't be able to reach kernel space at all, you'd need to have the Ubuntu signature key for that. The suggested solutions in this guide give up on that tiny security feature because it's USELESS! (yeah, that's just my opinion)
We're not gonna disable Secure Boot after all these efforts, and we still want to enable hibernation. We have two solutions here:
Recompile your own kernel
If you recompile your kernel, you can disable the feature completely. This is what I did first, using the configuration from the official Debian kernel.
This solution has a few downsides:
The compiled kernel will not work anymore with GRUB (because it doesn't have the official Debian signature)
Every time a new kernel is released, you will need to recompile it and not let apt install the default one
Recompiling the kernel takes more than 30 minutes on a decent CPU
So we're not continuing with this solution, let's skip forward.
Disable lockdown on a running kernel
Another solution is to make a kernel module (which runs in kernel space) and disable the lockdown from there. This is not normally allowed, there is no function to do that, but there still is a way, and it does not have all the downsides of recompiling your own kernel.
Download, compile and install this project:
$ git clone
$ cd unlockdown
$ make dkmsInstall
This will install a module that will remove the kernel lockdown when it is loaded, and put it back when it is unloaded. Since it is compiled by DKMS, it will be automatically signed thanks to the configuration we set before.
Finally, we just need to load the module automatically on boot. You might want add it to /etc/modules, and that's what I first did, but it was not enough! If you put it there you will be able to hibernate, but not to wake up. When you will try to wake up, the kernel will be back in lockdown and will refuse to restore the resume image. So we actually want to load the module even earlier, in the initrd phase, before the kernel attempts to resume. Add the module name to /etc/initramfs-tools/modules:
# echo unlockdown >> /etc/initramfs-tools/modules
# update-initramfs -u -k all
update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-5.16.0-6-amd64
warning: data remaining[91961712 vs 91972527]: gaps between PE/COFF sections?
warning: data remaining[91961712 vs 91972528]: gaps between PE/COFF sections?
Signing Unsigned original image
EDIT 2023-08-18: Actually, we now need one final step. unlockdown uses an API that's now disabled by default (from Linux 6.3 or something). To enable it back, you need to add the ibt=off to the kernel command line. Note that this disables a vulnerability mitigation. The /etc/cmdline file becomes:
root=/dev/mapper/machine--vg-root panic=0 ibt=off ro quiet
You can now reboot and you'll be able to hibernate!
In case of trouble, here is a couple checks you can do:
# dmesg | grep unlockdown
[ 8.501198] unlockdown: loading out-of-tree module taints kernel.
[ 8.540051] unlockdown: kernel lockdown lifted
# pm-is-supported --hibernate && echo 'Hibernate is supported'
Hibernate is supported
Other security tips
Congratulations, your laptop is mostly secure. Here are a few more tips to make sure an attacker can't get access to it.
Do you remember about that panic=0 part in the kernel command line we put earlier? It means that when the kernel panics, it will not reboot automatically. This is completely unrelated to what we are doing... except that the initrd scripts will interpret that as "do not spawn a root shell if anything goes wrong".
This is a very important feature, because if you have a root shell in your Secure Boot environment, you can just unseal the key from the TPM and decrypt all the data from the disk!
Protect your UEFI setup
This is not strictly necessary in our threat model, but you should put a password on your UEFI setup. This will prevent people from messing around and potentially adding other signatures keys to Secure Boot, even though these keys will alter PCR7 and prevent the TPM from unlocking your drive.
Disable the magic SysRq key
The magic SysRq key allows running some special kernel actions. The most dangerous ones are disabled by default, and you should keep them that way for maximum security.
For example, one of them (f) will invoke the OOM-killer. This function could kill your lockscreen, giving full access to your desktop to a malicious user.
Protect your Secure Boot keys
You don't want your private keys to be too easily available, don't let them lie around in your home directory. You should keep them in a protected folder (like /root) so that only the necessary scripts can access them. Make sure that /root's permissions are 700.
What a journey! I hope this guide helped you even a bit. I am by no mean an expert on the subject, if you spot something wrong or know of a better way to do this, please leave a comment. This is a simple HTML page, there are no comments, so idk, send me a fax maybe or open an issue on GitHub.
Thanks for reading!
@tux3: Lockdown workaround idea and most of the implementation.
@sirtoobii: Workaround for the case where PCR7 does not hash the boot loader public key.
@sirtoobii: Fix to correctly fall back and ask the LUKS password when TPM unsealing fails.
@nazar-pc: Various fixes.
@jo-so: Various fixes.
Useful links
Almost all of this guide comes from these links. They are ordered from the most general ones to the most specific ones.